What should I keep in mind before riding Segway?
If you plan to ride a Segway in the short term, you are in the right place at the right time.
Most of us believe that we can ride a Segway through the city with total security. The truth is that we are right as long as we consider what we consider good practices. We cannot forget that we are driving a vehicle and we must do it in the most responsible way possible. Driving a Segway can cause you injuries due to loss of control or collisions with other vehicles or people, being your responsibility to reduce risks.
On the other hand, driving the Segways is very simple even for those who have never used it. As soon as you take control, you’ll notice how you can drive it smoothly. Regardless of whether you have already tried it, we will give you five useful tips for driving segway perfectly:
Practice a lot.
Before starting your route through Malaga, we recommend that you practice until you feel totally comfortable, balanced and control the segway.
Before starting any tour, our fully qualified guides will give you a practical class. In it you will feel an expert in driving Segway, so you will enjoy the experience much more.
2. The handlebars always firm.
We know that ride a Segway is a lot of fun, but it means having to put aside things like using your Smartphone or greeting any person or animal during the journey. Both hands must be attached to the handlebar at all times until the segway stops completely.
3. Impulsive maneuvers are not an option.
Segways can detect your movements and rectify the wrong ones. In this way they will help you regain control at certain times, but this involves a process and a time. Possibly, if you make an abrupt movement, you cannot rebalance it as fast as it should, so a sudden start, turn or detection are totally discouraged movements.
4. Confidence driving segway yes, but not in excess.
As you drive the Segway, the feeling of confidence will invade you. But you must be very careful and not think that you can perform some movements (which we have already explained to you that they are considered dangerous) because you already know how to drive it perfectly. We also recommend you not to accelerate more than the guide has established even if there is a straight line with little traffic.
5. Adhesion to solid soils.
Segways are designed to walk on certain terrains, mostly paved surfaces. They can also make a route through the countryside, but always adapting the tires, (we already take care of that). What you should be clear about is that any change in the surface, such as going through the floor of pier one and, suddenly, deciding to walk through the grass can lead to a fall (more or less serious depending on the factors that surround you and the speed at which you go) or an injury.
6. Stop it completely before getting off it.
This phase is where you feel more relaxed thinking that you are practically done with the journey. But getting off the Segway when it is not yet completely stopped can cause you to fall when you have already overcome the most difficult time, so be very careful.
With these tips in mind, your segway route will be totally fun, comfortable and safe. Are you coming to try it?